Fiscal Services

If you are ever in any way unclear about the correct way to go about any transaction, we encourage you to reach out to us first.  We’re here to help you get things done, and that’s much easier if we have the opportunity to guide you toward the right approach from the outset.

Fiscal Services inbox: 

Image Headshot of Leeann Ford.

Director: Leeann Ford


Office: 297B Anstett

Image Headshot of Jenna Babcock.

Jenna Babcock


Office: 297D Anstett

Image Image Placeholder

Debi Luce


Office: 297C Anstett

Image Headshot of Patti McVay.

Patti McVay


Office: 297C Anstett

 Faculty Accounts

Faculty PDA accounts:  tenure-track and permanent non-tenure track instructors are allocated a PDA budget, which is associated with its own index(es).  The amount is determined by LCB policy and your hire contract.  You will receive a monthly report via email of the activity and balance on this account.  Pro-tem faculty do not have PDA accounts, but do a have a printing budget associated with a print code for printing class materials.

  • Grants: Leeann is the departmental grant administrator for Lundquist.  Please contact her when you are developing a proposal.  She will assist with creating a grant submission record in the ePCS system and developing a grant budget with the proper benefit and overhead rates.
  • Human subject in research: Research and Innovation - Human Subjects
  • Compensating research subjects: contact Leeann with any questions.  Here is some general guidance from the UO research office.
 Purchasing and Contracts
  • Contracts and Agreements:  if it has terms and a signature line or acceptance checkbox, then it’s probably a contract.  At UO, review and signing of contracts is under the direction of Purchasing and Contracting services, and individual faculty and staff cannot sign contracts on behalf of the university.  If you have a contract, please get in touch with Leeann.
  • Purchasing:  please contact fiscal services if you are planning a purchase of goods over $5,000 or are planning to contract for professional services of any amount, so we can make sure purchasing procedures are applied properly.
 Accounts Payable and Reimbursements
  • Problematic transactions: generally speaking, we cannot expend university funds on donations, gifts, flowers, or alcohol.  If you have a purchasing circumstance that could involve any of these, please contact us for guidance
  • AP Invoices and reimbursements: send them to the fiscal services email inbox for processing, or leave in the fiscal service mailbox in the mailroom at 366 Lillis. Please note the index the expense should be charged to in your email or on the document.
  • Travel: UO uses the Concur system for arranging and reimbursing travel.  There are resources for using the system located here: Concur Login & Resources
    Or you can arrange a time to work side-by-side with a fiscal services staff member Debi or Patti.
  • Moving: Patti will process moving expense reimbursements.  Please contact her at the outset of your move to get guidance on what’s covered under our policy and the documentation required.
  • Technology purchases: purchases of computers, tablets etc. should be coordinated with LCB IT, to make sure that devices meet campus and college technology specifications, and are properly tracked and added to our management systems.
  • Hosting expenditures: must be reasonable and directly related to your role at the university.  Please provide a final, itemized receipt and be sure to document the business purpose and the name of the guest(s).
 Payroll and Human Resources
  • Student hiring: Jenna can help you with processing student hire paperwork.
  • Time entry: Jenna processes timesheets for all college departments. Lundquist will be moving to UKG for time entry during the 2023-24 academic year. More information on this transition is forthcoming. 
  • Benefits: If you have benefits related questions, visit UO's benefits page, or contact the HR Benefits Office at for information and instructions on how to enroll in the UO benefit program or to schedule an appointment with a benefits team member for assistance with selecting the most appropriate plans.
  • General Questions, email Lundquist HR
 Other Services
  • Financial aid payments:  Jenna processes scholarship payments and can research the activity in student AR accounts.